Safeguarding Policy
Within a full review of policies and procedures, the Hounslow Heath Primary School Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy has been prepared, and will be made available on this page as soon as possible.
Hounslow Heath School safeguards all pupils regardless of age, gender, SEND, ability, culture, race, language, religion or sexual identity. We ensure that safeguarding and child protection are an intrinsic part of our everyday practice in school, and that all staff are vigilant and take responsibility for responding to safeguarding concerns by following the London Child Protection procedures and the guidance in “Keeping Children Safe in Education” (2023)
We ensure there is effective communication and that all staff fully understand the different types and possible signs of abuse, school safeguarding procedures and the importance of immediate action when concerns arise. Any concerns are communicated straight away to be actioned by trained designated safeguarding leads:
Mrs. R. Aulakh (Headteacher including Designated Teacher - LAC)
Mrs. H. Bush, Mrs. J. Calmonson, Mr. H. Gwilliams, Mrs. M. Raja, Mrs. P. Stack, Ms J. Turner (Deputy Headteachers)
Mrs. F. Ahmed, Mrs H. Cornick, Mrs. C. Magill, Miss L. Pavely, A. Shingadia (Assistant Headteachers)