Hounslow Heath School

Relationships and Behaviour Policy

Following a full review of policies and procedures following the amalgamation, the Hounslow Heath Primary School Relationships and Behaviour Policy has been prepared and is available below:

Hounslow Heath School Relationships and Behaviour Policy 

At Hounslow Heath School relationships and behaviours are strengths of the school community, and not only identified as such by the school community, but also by visitors, including school partners and Ofsted. We expect all members of our school community to support us in ensuring a positive and consistent whole-school approach to relationships and behaviour. The safety and happiness of all pupils and all members of our school community, is supported by effective teaching and the development of skills, attitudes and achievements, so that the children can make good choices and manage their own relationships and behaviours.

‘Behaviour and Safety’ is a key judgement used in Ofsted inspections, and the school not only works to meet, but exceed requirements. These achievements were recognised by Ofsted in School Inspections of Hounslow Heath Infant and Nursery School and Hounslow Heath Junior School prior to the amalgamation and the opening of Hounslow Heath School:

  • The behaviour of pupils is outstanding.
  • The school has high expectations for learners’ behaviour and conduct and applies these expectations consistently and fairly. This is reflected in learners’ behaviour and conduct.
  • Learners’ attitudes to their education are positive. They are committed to their learning, know how to study effectively and do so, are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements.
  • Relationships among learners and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture. Pupils are polite and friendly and show great respect to each other and the staff. Very strong and warm relationships between staff and pupils contribute to these excellent attitudes and the progress pupils make in their learning.
  • Leaders, teachers and learners create an environment where bullying, child-on-child abuse or discrimination are not tolerated. If they do occur, staff deal with issues quickly and effectively, and do not allow them to spread.